➤You need to learn how to write, compile, and run the first C++ program.
➤To write the first C++ program, open the C++ console, and write the following code:
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
cout << "Welcome to C++ Programming.";
➤#include<iostream.h> includes the standard input-output library functions.
It provides cin and cout methods for reading from input and writing to output respectively.
➤#include <conio.h> includes the console input output library functions.The getch() function is defined in conio.h file.
➤void main() :The main() function is the entry point of every programming language. The void keyword specifies that it returns no value.
➤cout << "Welcome to My First C++ Program."
cout is used to print the data "Welcome to My First C++ Program." on the console.
➤getch() :The getch() function asks for a single character.you press any key, it blocks the screen.
➤ How to compile and run the C++ program
There are 2 ways to compile and run the C++ program, by menu and by shortcut.
By menu: ➜ Now click on the compile menu then compile sub-menu to compile the c++ program. Then click on the run menu then run sub-menu to run the c++ program.
By shortcut:➜ Press ctrl+f9 keys compile and run the program directly.
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